Gestión turística municipal y su relación con el desarrollo local de la provincia de Huallaga




tourism management, development, tourism activity


The following research work aimed to determine the relationship of tourism management with the local development of the province of Huallaga, as well as to evaluate tourism planning, organization, direction and control of tourism management and thus fix what is the importance of the municipalities of a province within the tourism progress of a space. For this, we had to conduct interviews with 35 officials, businessmen and some citizens involved in tourism, and books and texts were also reviewed to acquire information about key topics included in the study, such as planning, local development, etc. Subsequently, data was collected, a process in which the interviews were carried out through a personal visit. Finally, by means of matrices and graphs, a complete analysis of the collected information was obtained and it was prepared to make the respective conclusions and discussions of the elaborated questions, the results of which were that said municipal management has forestry activities among its priorities, agricultural, commercial and finally tourism activity, however there are no planning documents.


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How to Cite

Mori-Rodrigo, D., & Flores-Ramírez, R. (2022). Gestión turística municipal y su relación con el desarrollo local de la provincia de Huallaga. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 1(1), e253.