Effectiveness of extrajudicial conciliation as admissibility requirement in civil, patrimonial and family matters in Huaraz and Sullana
settlement agreement, procedural burden, res judicata, lawsuit, judicial proceedingAbstract
The main objective of the research was to analyze the effectiveness of extrajudicial conciliation as a requirement of admissibility in civil, patrimonial, and family matters, during the year 2022; a year in which we were still under the effects of a pandemic and that is why it can be analyzed in its real dimension because subsequently there have been other scenarios in which the general population has been involved. For this purpose, a basic type of research was formulated. The population consisted of 80 people working as secretaries of conciliation centers, lawyers verifying the legality of agreements and extrajudicial conciliators in the conciliation district of Ancash, and 80 people working in the same positions in the conciliation district of Sullana. It was concluded that out-of-court conciliation as an admissibility requirement in civil, patrimonial, and family matters is highly effective since most of the conciliatory agreements are complied with.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Cynthia Lizbeth Labrín-Pimentel, Katherine Mónica Castro-Menacho, Fany Soledad Vera-Gutiérrez, Urpy Gail Del Carmen Espinoza-Silva
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