Justice operators and their role in gender violence processes: Men as victims





social stereotypes, specialized resources, masculine silence


The text addressed the problems faced by male victims of gender violence when seeking justice, highlighting the stereotypes rooted in society that always consider men as perpetrators and not as victims of violence, leading them to silence due to shame or social stigma. The objective of the study was to determine what are the main challenges that justice operators face in the role of gender violence processes when men are the victims. This is a review article, qualitative approach, inductive method and non-experimental design. A total of 5 scientific articles from indexed sources were analyzed. Document analysis was used. The results showed that under-reporting is common, since men are reluctant to report because they are not taken seriously, coupled with the lack of support services for them and the lack of awareness of this problem. This study concluded that the lack of widespread recognition of gender violence against men contributes to its invisibility, due to the social stigma that discourages reporting and the scarcity of specific resources and services in the judicial system.


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How to Cite

Marquezado-García, V. L. (2024). Justice operators and their role in gender violence processes: Men as victims. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 4(2), e660. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcri.v4i2.660