Relationship of the principle of legality and freedom of movement in police interventions in the face of the state of health emergency, Tarapoto 2020




citizens, COVID-19, rights, legality, state agencies, public authorities, public power


The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the principle of legality and ambulatory freedom in police interventions in the state of health emergency, 2020. The approach of the study is quantitative, basic, descriptive correlational, with a non-experimental design, applied to a sample of 30 police officers of the Traffic and Road Safety Unit (UTSEVI) of the district of Tarapoto, province and department of San Martin. A survey was used as a data collection technique and a structured Likert questionnaire with a five-level rating scale was used as an instrument. The data collected were subjected to expert judgments and to Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient in order to provide them with the validity and reliability required for any research. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that there is a significant relationship of -0.006 on the Spearman's RHO correlation scale, and a p-value of -0.487, which implies the existence of a moderate negative correlation. Likewise, a medium level was observed for the study variables of the principle of legality and ambulatory freedom in police interventions carried out in the district of Tarapoto during the pandemic period of the year 2020.


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How to Cite

Tapullima-García, J. B. (2024). Relationship of the principle of legality and freedom of movement in police interventions in the face of the state of health emergency, Tarapoto 2020. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 4(1), e635.

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