Commentary on the article Dengue with warning signs: clinical characteristics


  • Jimena Rafaela Pinedo-Saravi Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista
  • Adhari Micaela Arango-Huaman Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista



We have recently read this article written by Rodríguez-Gómez (2022) ''Dengue with warning signs: clinical characteristics'' published in the Revista Salud Amazónica y Bienestar, where he addresses a crucial issue that affects many communities in our country: dengue. One of the most worrying aspects is the appearance of warning signs that indicate serious complications, which can be difficult to recognize for both doctors and patients. This underlines the need for greater awareness and recognition of these signs. For this reason, we highlight that a correct identification of the cases was made in hospitalized patients at the Tarapoto-MINSA Hospital, but at the same time we consider it necessary to place greater emphasis on the points on the relationship between dengue serotypes and the frequency of presenting alarm signs. and age as a risk factor that determines severity, topics that will surely complement to provide a better understanding approach to its readers.


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How to Cite

Pinedo-Saravi, J. R., & Arango-Huaman, A. M. (2024). Commentary on the article Dengue with warning signs: clinical characteristics. Revista Salud Amazónica Y Bienestar, 3(1), e637.