Intervention model to improve maternal health indicators of the Peruvian comprehensive health insurance




comprehensive insurance, health intervention, maternal indicators


Improving maternal health is critical to treating some underlying causes of maternal mortality; which at the global level constitutes a public health problem, since it represents an important indicator of human development for the countries. The objective of the research was to design an intervention model that improves the maternal health indicators of the Peruvian comprehensive health insurance. To do this, we apply a non-experimental study with a descriptive propositional design. The sample population was made up of 36 officials from the Lamas Health Network, Peru. We used the survey technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The results that stood out were the level of family planning, prenatal care, attended deliveries, postpartum care, replacement costs and management costs; where the studied dimensions have a "regular" level. The level of compliance with the maternal indicators shows a “regular” level with 39%. In the same way, the health intervention shows a “regular” level with a percentage of 36%. It is concluded that the proposal will contribute to improve the development condition and quality of health services in a country


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How to Cite

Cárdenas-Urrelo, R. P. . (2022). Intervention model to improve maternal health indicators of the Peruvian comprehensive health insurance. Revista Salud Amazónica Y Bienestar, 1(1), e229.