Internship in health sciences in times of pandemic Tarapoto Hospital: Elements that favor or limit the achievement of final competencies
academic achievement, final clinical competence, intern in healthAbstract
The present research work is descriptive of phenomenological nature, with quantitative approach, whose main objective is to analyze the elements that favor or limit the achievement of the final competences of the clinical internship in health sciences, from the perception of the student, the clinical tutor and the conditions of the health establishment, based on Ministerial Resolution No. 779-2021-MINSA on guidelines for the development of the activities of the inmates of c Health care of June 21, 2021. The hypothesis is that there is an adequate clinical field for the training of the intern in health in times of pandemic, favoring the achievement of final competences. The population consisted of 33 interns in health sciences and 12 clinical tutors. Google form was used to collect information from students and clinical guardians of the professions of medicine, obstetrics, nursing, medical technology and pharmaceutical chemist. The results obtained: 50% report that their rotations are not consistent for the achievement of their skills, 60% say they do not agree with the guidelines issued on June 21, 2021 by MINSA and the most outstanding disagreement by the teacher (73%) refers to the 150 hours interned with a clinical period of 5 months. As a conclusion, it is stated that the offer of the clinical field for training
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